Monday, 7 February 2011

I'm still working on my 'obsession' project, the Curtains are done and dusted, as is the Food Cupboard.
The food cupboard is all about my obsessive need to control space and use logic and order within my life. Since sharing a house with other students my need to maintain control and order within the house has become more aparent to me. Each of us has one space to hide all our culinary goodies and the comparrison between my space and my fellow housemates is perhaps what instigated the project. Like the curtains i've always had a need to order logically the objects of my life, make of this what you will.

Assesment feedback has been recieved (it wasn't to shabby), dissertation has been handed in and now i'm left to fill the void of no work. I need to pick up the project and continue with the work. This is easier said than done. This project has been designed so that each obsession is represented through an individual process. Each obsession is a mini project which is an attempt to sustain my interest. The project is no where near finished, I know this but i'm struggling to convince myself that assesment doesn't mean finished.

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