Sunday, 6 March 2011

LDN gallery day and new work ting.

Another weekend over and another false promise of being productive. I really don't know where my time goes. Quite possibly it could revolve around going to Pets at Home and attempting to rescue a bunny rabbit, dying my house mates hair bright pink and of course spending the day holed up in my room with dear miss 'Croaky May' watching Jurassic Park I and II, a characteristically productive way to spend ones Sunday.

All in all I've been a tad slack in getting on with things and my 'to do' lists remains undone. I have however got a few things to share and i'm sure your all dying to know about my educational gallery day t'other week and progress with my cutlery obsession. Well here goes.

On the 23rd we were solicited into an educational school trip which took us to London town. Split into our unit groups we wandered around London and various galleries that for me related to the realms of image management within the industry. Amongst them were, the Tate Modern, The Whitechaple Gallery and Hotshoe Gallery.

Tate Modern:
Photographic Typologies - 'Artists who use photography to approach a topic or theme systematically, creating multiple images of similar objects'.

- Within the exhibition there was work that I had a genuine response to, however I also appreciated the exhibition as many themes of the featured work relate to those of my current visual project. The work made requires order, control and are often repetivite in subject matter to allow for a overview of the chosen subject area.

Thomas Struth:

Bernd and Hilla Becher:

Alexander Apostol:

(installation view)

The Whitechapel Gallery:
(Exhibiton) John Stezaker -

Some of my favourite work from the Stezaker exhibition were from his book, The 3rd Person Archive. I think the work is most effective in its book format, but nonetheless the work creates intrigue through its context.

Whilst at the gallery there was also work on display by artist Mona Hatoum, her installation, Current Disturbance is a room-filling environment made from stacked wire cages, light bulbs and the amplified sound of electric currents.

The exhibition features work from Steven Maisel, Steffi Klenz, Ori Gersht, and Rut Blees Luxemburg. The exhibition was a mix of contempoary and archive images and curated by Daniel Campbell Bright.

Lets get this show on the road...
Work in progress, Cutlery obsession.

Step 1:
Step 2:

Step 3:

This pretty much rounds it up, shooting in the studio again so i'll probably bring you upto date with that by the time i've finished my degree.
